Smoking a pipe is an alternative to smoking a cigarette or joint. The pipe was originally intended for tobacco, but there are also pipes specially adapted for psychoactive plants. Besides wooden and metal pipes, there are also acrylic, stone and glass pipes.
Be aware of the risks and stay safe when using smartshop products. Always research the characteristics and effects of the product you want to use.

BL Ceramic Pipe Bowl S for Zippsy

BL Pipe Bowl Stainless Steel for Zippsy S

Bamboo pipe

Base Pipe - 14cm

Black Leaf Vape Lifter

Bomb pipe chrome

Bud Bomb mini grey

Budbomb 2000 - Gold plated

Calumet Mikro Rocket pipe - slim

Classic Rasta pipe with lid

Convertor pipe - Glass

Convertor pipe - Metal

Corn cob pipe - 9cm

Dug out pipe

Eagle Bill's Shake

Ezee Cool Pipe

Glass Pure Pipe Set in a Case - BREIT

Houten piraten pijp - 8.5 cm

Karma Go Silicone Hand Pipe

Knuckle Duster Pure Pipe

Konjurer Miss Pinky Glow Hand Pipe

Lady Lifter manual Hand Vaporizer

Leather Pouch for the 2part Zippsy Pipe

Mini pipe key ring - 6 cm

Nut bolt metal pipe - 6.3 cm

One hitter glass - 8cm

Pipe 6-shooter

Pipe But Bat - 11cm

Pipe Glass Gandalf

Pipe Glass Sherlock Eye