Product information
Kanna plant - Sceletium tortuosum The genus Mesembryanthemum is a popular groundcover, a section of the genus designated as Sceletium serves as a narcotic in South Africa. For hundreds of years the Hottentots used Sceletium tortuosum as a psychedelic called Kanna or Channa (not Cannabis). The earliest written records of the use of Sceletium date back to 1662 and 1685. The Dutch during the arrival in Africa called it Kougoed" (kauwgoed) which literally means,"chew(able) things/goodies"..."
Kanna plant - Sceletium tortuosum The genus Mesembryanthemum is a popular groundcover, a section of the genus designated as Sceletium serves as a narcotic in South Africa. For hundreds of years the Hottentots used Sceletium tortuosum as a psychedelic called Kanna or Channa (not Cannabis). The earliest written records of the use of Sceletium date back to 1662 and 1685. The Dutch during the arrival in Africa called it Kougoed" (kauwgoed) which literally means,"chew(able) things/goodies"..."