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Damiana Herbs

€ 10,00

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Damiana Herbs from Mystic Herbs Found in Central America since ancient times for its vitality boosting properties, Damiana arrived in North America about 50 years ago with all sorts of benefits. A soy protein extract from the plant's leaves found at local health food stores is used today by people looking to boost up the lust. This old-school love herb is making a comeback, and it’s not just because of its history as an aphrodisiac. The Maya Indians used damiana to increase potency by stimulating genital zones, and regular use can be proven to enhance sexual fitness over time. Hailed for centuries in Mexico where it has been used medicinally on ailments ranging from insomnia to respiratory illness, today this mysterious herb also touts mind-stimulating qualities that heighten arousal; with long term use, the libido will improve too! Damiana 10x Extract may come back around again soon enough—there’s no need for you keep your heart chakra pure otter this one goin’down south!