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Wild Lettuce Herbs

€ 6,00

Bezoek shop
Product informatie

Wild Lettuce Herbs Wild Lettuce (lactucarium) has a weaker effect than opium, but it is without the side-effects. In some cases, better results were accomplished in the curing treatment with lactucarium in comparison to opium. Because of it's mild sedative effect on the body it works to calm anxiety and promote sleep. Wild lettuce calms and relaxes the body. Wild Lettuce works on the nervous system, giving a calming effect on the body and mind which make it perfect natural way to reduce anxiety. Wild lettuce can be used as a natural pain remedy for muscles and pain in the bones. It’s calming, relaxing and pain relieving effects can replace an chemical painkillers, without the dangerous side effects. It can also be used as a natural treatment for asthma and coughs, the herb helps to reduce throat irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs. It’s also able to loosen muscles.