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Thai Kratom Caps

€ 22,00

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Product informatie

Thai Kratom Capsules Kratom Mitragyna speciosa comes from the rain forests of South East Asia. It's large oval leaves grow on trees often reaching over 15 meters in size. The kratom herb contains many different alkaloids, but the most important substance is mitragynine, causing (two separate) effects: it stimulates and calms at the same time. Kratom gives energy&stimulation, is m ood lifting, i ncreases concentration, good for p ain relief and has a c alming effect. Kratom also has less side effects than caffeine does, so no more digestion issues, sweating, discomfort. This stimulation also contribute to why this is a great kratom strain for weight loss. Some users stopped drinking coffee, successfully switching from caffeine to prefer Thai kratom.