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ROYAL X - Herbal Euforia

€ 14,00

Bezoek shop
Product informatie

ROYAL X - Herbal Euforia Liquid Royal X is a liquid herbal euforia. Because this strongly euphoric product is taken in liquid form, the first effects will occur approximately 15 minutes after ingestion. The psychoactive effects of the Liquid X last approximately 3 to 4 hours. ROYAL X - Herbal XTC provides a lot of energy and a cheerful feeling. Niacin helps in the energy processes in the body and promotes the blood circulation of muscles and organs, also niacin can provide some tingling. Phenylalanine stimulates the dopamine and serotonin system in the brain and provides tingling, euphoria, cheerfulness, a good feeling and a "spacey" effect in this product. Without the side effects!