Psychotria carthagenensis (Amyruca) 25 grams dried leaves
€ 14,95
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Product informatie
PSYCHOTRIA CARTHAGENENSIS (25 GRAMS) DRIED LEAVES   Amyruca - Psychotria Carthagensis is is currently not available, we comment to look for Chacruna - Psychotria Viridis   Psychotria carthagenensis, also known as Amyruca, is a South American rainforest understory shrub from the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Psychotria Carthagenensis is often used in the proces of making Ayahuasca. Amyruca grows from the tropics of South America to Mexico.
PSYCHOTRIA CARTHAGENENSIS (25 GRAMS) DRIED LEAVES   Amyruca - Psychotria Carthagensis is is currently not available, we comment to look for Chacruna - Psychotria Viridis   Psychotria carthagenensis, also known as Amyruca, is a South American rainforest understory shrub from the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Psychotria Carthagenensis is often used in the proces of making Ayahuasca. Amyruca grows from the tropics of South America to Mexico.