Ginseng 20 gram (Panax Ginseng) powder Ginseng is a herb from China and has been used for many years to increase vitality and to protect against symptoms of aging. In China, the medicinal effect of ginseng was first documented in Shennong bencaojing ("Shennong's book on roots and herbs"), a classic work on herbs and their use.  It wasn&rsquot until the 18th century that the effectiveness of ginseng was also recognized in the West, and subsequently a large number...
Ginseng 20 gram (Panax Ginseng) powder Ginseng is a herb from China and has been used for many years to increase vitality and to protect against symptoms of aging. In China, the medicinal effect of ginseng was first documented in Shennong bencaojing ("Shennong's book on roots and herbs"), a classic work on herbs and their use.  It wasn&rsquot until the 18th century that the effectiveness of ginseng was also recognized in the West, and subsequently a large number...