2.5% CBD Oil - 10ml   CBD is a non-psychedelic cannabinoid found within cannabis and hemp. It is usually the second most prevalent cannabinoid found in cannabis, and the most prevalent in hemp.   The organic hemp used to produce Cibdol products only contains trace amounts of THC &ndash you cannot get high of Cibdol CBD oil.   Cibdol CBD Oil is organically grown and produced right from soil to bottle. We do not use any chemicals, GMO products or growth hormones at any point...
2.5% CBD Oil - 10ml   CBD is a non-psychedelic cannabinoid found within cannabis and hemp. It is usually the second most prevalent cannabinoid found in cannabis, and the most prevalent in hemp.   The organic hemp used to produce Cibdol products only contains trace amounts of THC &ndash you cannot get high of Cibdol CBD oil.   Cibdol CBD Oil is organically grown and produced right from soil to bottle. We do not use any chemicals, GMO products or growth hormones at any point...