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Ololiuqui Seeds

€ 14,00

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Ololiuqui Seeds from Mystic Seeds According to native shamans, the Ololiuqui Seeds provide very strong visionary effects. The Aztecs used Ololiuqui seeds to communicate with the gods. The hallucinogenic chemical in these plants would cause a dreamlike state. The Mexican divinatory agent ololiuhqui has been used and revered by indigenous people for millennia, but in the outside world, it's a mystery. The effects of this substance have also been compared to those experienced on magic mushrooms or Peyote - there are even experiments that suggest its hallucinogenic properties can be as sensational as DMT! The first one will experience listlessness coupled with heightened visual sensitivity, followed by feelings of relaxation and visions; eventually, these experiences may lead back memories from your childhood too. It's a strong psychedelic plant and should be treated as such!