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Chaga Powder 100 grams

€ 25,00

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Product informatie

100 grams of pure Chaga Powder Chaga is a black fungus that has long been used in alternative medicine. It's nicknamed "The Black Gold," or the King of Medicinal Mushrooms, due to its many useful qualities and antioxidants. Chaga contains proteins that can strengthen one's immune system against disease-causing free radicals while fighting oxidative stress from outside sources such as pollution and poor nutrition. A little bit goes a long way for this powerful mushroom! Chaga mushrooms have always had potent medicinal properties but now we know they also contain some powerful antioxidant agents called polyphenols with anti-inflammatory qualities too! Scientists have been studying the effects of chaga mushrooms on cancer. A recent study found that it can help with immunotherapy treatment for breast and prostate cancers, as well as leukemia cells in bone marrow transplant patients. Even people who are not undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments may benefit from some immunity-boosting benefits such as antiviral properties like fighting off colds more effectively, a stronger antioxidant effect to fight free radicals and better balanced immune system function because there is an increase in beta-glucans (a component important to cellular wall), phytosterols which helps provide our body's natural defense mechanisms against infection) proteins(to build muscle mass). Chaga also contains vitamin D, iron magnesium potassium fiber vitamins like C, E, B1, and B2.