Product information
Uzara is known as dream herb, but is not officially listed as 'Ubulawu'. This is the name for a group of Southern African plants that are used to induce or clarify dreams of ancestral spirits and opens minds to receive the messages of the ancestors. Usage In South African folk medicine, Uzara is used by the Xhosa for menstrual problems, migraine and cols. The Zulu snort the crushed roots for narcotic effects.
Uzara is known as dream herb, but is not officially listed as 'Ubulawu'. This is the name for a group of Southern African plants that are used to induce or clarify dreams of ancestral spirits and opens minds to receive the messages of the ancestors. Usage In South African folk medicine, Uzara is used by the Xhosa for menstrual problems, migraine and cols. The Zulu snort the crushed roots for narcotic effects.