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Ecuadorian Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Small 250cc

€ 20,00

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Magic Mushroom Growing Kit (Small, Medium or Large) - Ecuadorian Strain Do you want to grow your own magic mushrooms? The Ecuadorian magic mushrooms are one of the least popular ones, but for those seeking a spiritual experience and who want to minimize visuals - this is your strain. For seekers on deep introspective experiences looking for philosophical insight into their life - these“shrooms” will be perfect! Ever want to break through your limits? You're in luck! Our strain of Ecuadorian mushrooms has a knack for opening your third eye and will leave you feeling enlightened after every trip. Listed as one of the most "deep", philosophical mushrooms on the list, these psychedelic delicacies are sure to take you deep into your mind. We suggest coming back from lucid dreams with what we hope is an open heart - they'll make an even greater difference in how you view yourself afterwards. Equadorian Magic Mushroom Grow Kit might not be for everyone, but a truly spiritual psychonaut will love them with all their heart! That's a promise!